Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our First Anniversary

Yesterday was our first year anniversary and we celebrated by going to Granbury on Sunday. We went to the Granbury square and spent the day shopping, sippin' coffee, and looking at Christmas lights. Granbury is such a cool town and we can't wait to go back again next year! We even saw a play called "Red Skelton's Christmas Special" and we hardly stopped laughing! Here is a picture of us just before the show...

The first year anniversary gift is supposed to be paper so I put my thinking cap on to try to think of the perfect gift for Clay. This is what I came up with...

A coupon book full of different coupons that are good for various things. He seemed to like it =)
This year has been a roller coaster, but we both agree that it has been a blessed one! I am anxious to see what the next year has to offer...hopefully it includes finishing the house =)

More to come from the "not so Newlyweds"...